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A dental implant is an option to replace a missing tooth. In this procedure...

Sealants are used to fill narrow grooves on teeth that cannot be adequately cleaned by...

Tooth extraction is a common procedure performed by a trained dentist. Extractions...

Third molars, also called wisdom teeth, are the last set of permanent teeth to...

Many people who have experience teeth whitening have reported that...

A bridge replaces a missing tooth, both functionally and cosmetically...

Brushing and flossing can help keep the plaque at bay. But aside from...

Dental hygiene is a crucial element to everyone’s well-being. Having a...

Veneers are a dental procedure in which a covering is placed over the...

Crowns are full coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is...

Root Canal

Root canal treatment (also referred to as root canal therapy or endodontic therapy) is...

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint found in the lower part of the...

The advantage of getting an Invisalign is that they are quite comfortable to wear. And...

Dentures replace teeth that have become loose or been lost due to bone loss. The entire mouth is...

If caught early, cavities can be treated easily and painlessly with...

Braces move your teeth by exerting constant pressure on them for...

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